Il Piccolo Blog

They enlarge the space and give a silky effect: why they like white kitchen matt

white kitchen matt

You can never go wrong with white

With modern or classic, with more elegant or simpler furnishings, for large or small rooms, for open spaces where the kitchen is one with the living room or for flats where it is separate, when you don’t know what to choose, with white kitchen matt you never go wrong. In fact, it is a colour that suits every type of style, size and living mentality. It is no coincidence that white is a must in many styles, think of shabby chic, where it reigns supreme, or Nordic where it is combined with other light colours, or even its presence in Japanese, which recalls Zen. And in the kitchen even more than in other rooms, it is always perfect and up-to-date and will never fade, so it will still appeal years from now. Fashions may pass but certainly not the charm of white!

The countless pros of white kitchen matt

A white kitchen has only advantages. It is by no means true that it is dirtier, with modern materials (as well as detergents on the market today) maintenance is easy, with a little care. White gives a great impression of airiness and order, thus adapting to classic kitchens that make symmetry their watchword, and enlarging smaller spaces. The effect will always be of something extremely bright, an important atout in every room and in the kitchen in particular. Moreover, it can be combined with other colours, from the natural colour of wood when it is in this timeless material, with black, or even with particular choices such as red or blue that are so popular in modern, minimalist environments.

white kitchen matt

Matt or glossy white kitchens?

But why choose white kitchen matt over glossy white ones? Those who think there is little difference are wrong, the effect is totally different, although both have their undeniable appeal. Even the feel is different, if you choose matt it feels like silk, which always brings an impression of elegance. It adapts to all kinds of materials, from wood to the most modern steels to Fenix.

The choice of white kitchen matt is particularly suitable for spaces that are not too large, because it tends to make them look larger. So, if you must have a kitchen in which you can fit everything, with space-saving solutions, and you fear that it will appear cluttered and small, matt white is a solution.

Matt white and light

Keep in mind that the glossiness compared to a glossy white kitchen is different. A kitchen with matt white will in fact have less of it, but this is not a defect, because it depends on the effect you want to achieve. A matt surface diffuses light radiation rather than reflecting it, as is the case with glossy, which may make some textures appear darker, but this is not an issue with white. In fact, the definition of matt is that it does not allow light to pass through it. Matt white, used in the kitchen with furniture, complements and walls, even in combination with other colours, will create a soft, intimate atmosphere. It will help bring an appearance of understated elegance to rooms large and small. It is perfect for those who want a style that is refined but not too overt, that can envelop and make relatives and guests feel at ease.

white kitchen matt

Why choose white kitchen matt: easy to clean and any defects are not visible

It is a colour choice that is perfect for rooms that are being modernised and redecorated, because it can cover up any defects like no other. Don’t forget that any scratches, stains or dents will be less noticeable.

And white kitchen matt are easy to maintain, which is why they are recommended in rooms where there are animals or children, for example: charm is combined with practicality, to which you never say no!

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