Il Piccolo Blog

Luxury outdoor furniture: the guide to get your choices right

Luxury outdoor furniture

The outdoor spaces of the house, in recent years, are gaining more and more importance. Having the opportunity to spend time outside, in a spacious terrace or a beautiful garden, is an added value for many. And it allows to escape from the domestic routine, especially if the house is also the space where you study or work.

Decorating the outdoors with luxury outdoor furniture helps to make the spaces even more cozy and comfortable, which become the ideal environment to carve out a moment of relaxation alone or with your loved ones.

Why is it important to take care of the furniture of terraces, gardens and patios?

The outdoor spaces of the house can be seen as real additional rooms and as an extension of the interior. When furnishing gardens, terraces, balconies and patios, it is essential to place the same level of attention expected when choosing indoor furniture.

Luxury outdoor furniture should be chosen in a manner consistent with the furnishings selected for the living or sleeping areas of the home. Depending on the style you have decided to adopt, you can opt for outdoor furniture that, in terms of materials and appearance, are in continuity with those of the interior. Alternatively, you can decide to give your outdoor spaces their own distinctive personality.

Whatever the choice made, it is good to choose furniture and accessories that are comfortable and functional, thanks to which you can live the best moments spent outside. Sofas, armchairs, chairs and tables must be designed for relaxation and sharing. Between ergonomic seats and soft coverings, outdoor furniture, especially if valuable, must balance elegance and comfort.

What are the most trendy luxury outdoor furniture?

Luxury outdoor furniture is increasingly geared towards sustainability and environmental friendliness. In outdoor furniture and accessories, natural materials are used, such as wood and fabrics made from plant fibers, and recycled elements, as in the case of recycled fabrics or in the creation of designer furniture that are obtained by giving a new life to old objects.

As for style, in the proposals of those who deal with interior design there is a prevalence of furniture and accessories with essential and minimal lines. Those who love eccentric solutions can give free rein to their fantasies in the interiors, while for outdoor furniture there is a tendency to make choices more in line with the green style.

The most popular color palette for luxury outdoor furniture is earthy, while the most commonly used material is wood. On the other hand, wood is a material that has exceptional characteristics of strength and durability. Some essences, such as teak, are perfect for furnishing gardens, even those with swimming pools. Metal is also often used in outdoor furniture of great value. Aluminum is among the most frequently used and is appreciated as much for its lightness as for its long life.

Ultimately, those who wish to furnish the outdoor spaces of the house can resort to what can be defined as a discreet luxury furniture style.

How to design the furniture for the outdoor areas of the house

Of course, when designing the furniture for the outdoor areas of the house, you have to start from the study of the environment. That is, you need to consider both the size of the space to be furnished and how you intend to use it. This is always true for any type of furniture item, even more so for luxury outdoor furniture.

If you are furnishing a large garden with a swimming pool, for example, it will be necessary to provide for the presence of sun loungers and poolside seating, while a large outdoor terrace can be equipped with a barbecue area.

The exposure of the environment and the weather conditions are other factors to be evaluated carefully. If you intend to use the outdoor space throughout the year, it may be appropriate to decide to install a gazebo. This piece of furniture can be used as a shelter from the sun during the warm months. And then you can equip it with heating lamps, to enjoy the terrace or garden even in the cooler months.

The choices for luxury outdoor furniture can also be affected by the characteristics of the environment that surrounds the house. The needs of those who have to furnish the terrace of a house in the city could be different from those who have chosen to live in the countryside. In the first case, it will probably be necessary to make choices that take into account the need to have some privacy, while in the second case the focus will probably be concentrated more on the ability of the materials used for outdoor furniture to resist humidity, UV rays, wind and weather.

Outdoor furniture design does not end with the choice of luxury furniture and accessories. The lighting system also plays a crucial role. A good lighting design can help bring out the beauty of the furniture and make outdoor spaces even more elegant and welcoming. In fact, lights can illuminate garden paths and create a small sitting room, where you can stop and chat with friends and family even in the evening.

Modern paneling comes in many designs, from the most elaborate to the simplest. Of course, you have to choose carefully, avoiding effects that make the environment too heavy: good taste and proportions are needed! These are tips to be followed carefully, especially when it comes to luxury outdoor furniture: a topic that may seem less important than others and that, precisely for this reason, should be approached with care and rigor.

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