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Custom-made bedroom wardrobes: an often necessary furnishing choice

Custom-made bedroom wardrobes

Because of its imposing dimensions and the role it plays, the wardrobe is the true protagonist of bedroom furniture. In this room of the house, intended for rest and well-being, the wardrobe, especially the custom-madeone, ensures a sense of protection and security.

Indeed, thanks to its ability to organise clothes and accessories, custom-madebedroom wardrobes help to keep the room tidy and welcoming. Choosing a custom-made wardrobe, in particular, allows you to make the most of the space in your room and have a piece of furniture designed according to your needs.

Why choose a custom-made bedroom wardrobe?

Being able to decide on the characteristics of the wardrobe is the main advantage of choosing a custom-mademodel. Customisation concerns not only the external appearance of the wardrobe, but also its internal organisation.

Defining the dimensions of the wardrobe is one of the most interesting points. Thanks to a custom-madedesign, it is possible to make the best use of the available space, choosing for example a wardrobe that reaches the ceiling or a bridge structure that overhangs the bed or a door. You may have rooms with uneven walls or bedrooms with low or sloping ceilings. With a custom-madesolution, based on the specific characteristics of the room and the wall to be furnished, the ideal profile of the bedroom wardrobe can be outlined.

Choosing a custom-madebedroom wardrobe model also allows you to customise the style and materials of the wardrobe itself. The possible configurations are endless, since it is possible to combine several materials or design the wardrobe according to a truly personalised style. For example, you can combine elements typical of the classic style with more contemporary aspects. Or you can mix and match materials to create wardrobes with a wood and metal or wood and glass structure. The possibilities for customising wardrobes for bedrooms are manifold and everyone can agree.

What to consider when choosing a custom-made bedroom wardrobe

When choosing a custom-madewardrobe for the bedroom area of the house, several aspects must be evaluated in the project. The structure, the internal organisation system and the style are among the first choices to be considered, but there are also many other factors at play.

The material is one of the elements that most influences the final appearance of the customised bedroom wardrobe and its functionality. Wood is the most common material for wardrobes. The most luxurious and exclusive models are made of solid wood, using robust and resistant woods such as cherry or walnut. When choosing the wood, the hardness of the wood and its ability to resist moisture and light must be taken into account.

The opening system of the wardrobe is also important in the choice. Hinged doors are suitable if there are no particular space problems and if you want to be able to check the contents of all sections of the wardrobe at a glance. A sliding opening system is more suitable when you need to reduce the amount of space in your bedroom. Or when you are looking for a piece of furniture with a minimalist and contemporary style.

Colour is another important chapter for custom-made bedroom wardrobes. In classic furnishing styles, there is a tendency to prefer furniture in the natural colours of wood and, in particular, those made of wood in warm shades. For a more refined result, wood with pronounced grains or knots can be used, brought out by the use of transparent varnishes. Lighter woods, such as oak or birch, are excellent solutions for furnishing bedrooms in more modern styles. Finally, by integrating different materials, such as structural elements in metal or glass panels, it is possible to create custom-madewardrobes, ideal for furnishing bedrooms in an industrial style.

When to choose a custom-made bedroom wardrobe?

A custom-made wardrobe is a compulsory choice when you have special needs or constraints related to the structure of the bedroom. Customising a wardrobe can also simply be a choice dictated by the desire to have a piece of furniture that exactly reflects your wishes.

The presence of a custom-made wardrobe in the bedroom conveys the exclusivity and prestige of the furnishing project. With the help of an interior designer, you can design the perfect custom-madewardrobe for your bedroom and find the best possible configuration, choosing from a variety of materials and styles.

The most modern and designer furniture solutions are based on modular elements, which increase the functionality of the wardrobes. Such configurations are used in particular when designing furniture which must occupy an entire wall of the room. In this case, inserting open compartments or visible shelves interrupts the linearity of the design and introduces eye-catching elements. This is also an original and elegant way of conceiving a custom-madebedroom wardrobe.

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