Il Piccolo Blog

Contract specialist carpentry: how to make the right choice?

Carpentry is one of the most important players among all those involved in a contract furniture project. Consequently, choosing the most suitable joinery firm can become the project’s main asset and determine the client’s complete satisfaction.

When choosing the best partner, one should take into account the carpenter’s experience and assess his ability to create unique furniture, i.e. furniture that can truly enhance boutiques, hotels, restaurants, commercial and representative offices, as well as boats and ships of various sizes.

What is the role of a carpentry in contract projects?

In a contract project, the carpentry is not just the supplier that makes furniture and, more generally, customised furnishings. Far from it: the ideal carpentry is indeed the one that makes the furniture according to the General Contractor’s or Interior Contractor’s instructions, but it is also an actor that supports and helps coordinate the work, following the project through to the final fit-out. In other words: a high-level carpenter’s shop is not only responsible for producing high and very high quality interiors, but also knows how to follow all the phases of the project, right up to the shipping of the furniture, its installation and after-sales service.

Indeed, all contract projects require a long and articulated work process, and joineryis involved at various stages and with different levels of responsibility. Simplifying, we can say that carpentry work is divided into at least five phases. Let us see what they are.

In the first phase, the carpentry receives the design that the architectural firm or a renowned designer has drawn up based on the client’s specifications. At this point, the joinery meets with those responsible for the contract project to discuss the choices to be made, to provide any suggestions and to illustrate possible critical points that have emerged from the analysis of the project. When these preparatory stages are completed and the project has the green light, the joinery moves on to the actual production of the custom-made furniture, cutting, assembling, painting and finishing each element of the furniture. Once the furniture has been created, we then move on to the final stages of the project, with the delivery to the client and the fitting out of the rooms.

At each stage of the work, the practical aspects – linked to the production of the furniture – are accompanied by the need to carefully monitor the entire process, in order to be able to intervene promptly in the event of problems. And also to guarantee a very high level of quality for custom-made contract furniture. The main task of the joinery is therefore to provide highly customised furniture that respects the style required by the client and at the same time is comfortable and able to meet the needs of the end customer.

The main requirements that an excellent contract carpentry must fulfil are

Experience and knowledge of the particularities of contract projects are among the most important requirements that a carpenter’s workshop must possess, since it will have the great responsibility of dealing with the creation of customised furniture for hotels, restaurants, shops or luxury yachts.

Knowledge of contract projects is expressed through the mastery of the best production techniques and regulations to comply with, but also through the ability to select the most suitable materials for the different realities with which the joinery works. In fact, knowing the peculiarities of the different economic sectors and knowing what the common problems are allows the carpentry to manage workflows more fluidly and arrive more quickly at the delivery of the final work.

The experience of the joinery workshop is equally important. Entrusting a contract project to an experienced manufacturer means being able to count on a mix of technical skills and soft skills that, combined with the use of professional machinery, make it possible to create contract furniture of the highest quality.

In addition, knowing the world of contract furniture is crucial in order to be up-to-date on the latest trends in the sector and to keep abreast of the latest developments in interior design. Knowing what styles are on the rise, the most commonly used materials of the moment and the latest innovations is crucial to being able to propose excellent custom-made luxury furniture to any client.

Tailor-made solutions for contract customers

From a professional’s office to a haute couture boutiques, a contract project can be used to create high quality custom-made furniture that is suitable for every setting. Involving an excellent carpenter’s workshop in the project ensures the creation of excellently crafted furniture that is able, thanks to its design, to make any commercial environment exclusive and special.

However, this is not the end of the story. A joinery specialising in contract projects guarantees full compliance with delivery times and the customer’s requirements. In addition, a carpenter’s shop with such attention to detail ends up being a reliable partner able to provide strategic indications and suggestions to make furniture, furnishings, flooring, accessories, lighting systems and decorations even more functional and comfortable.

If you need help with the realisation of a contract project, our advice is therefore to rely on a carpentry that can manage the various phases of the work with attention, flexibility and competence. Specifically, we suggest you always bet on the quality of Made in Italy workmanship, carried out by design carpentries. In fact, the latter have the ability to create customised furniture of high and very high quality for a whole range of environments, including shops, hotels, restaurants and commercial spaces in general.

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Il Piccolo, falegnameria a conduzione familiare di seconda generazione, apre il proprio showroom a Lugano. Con oltre 50 anni di esperienza, Il Piccolo porta con sé un bagaglio di conoscenze tecniche e progettuali di assoluto livello, grazie ai numerosi interni progettati e arredati in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, Il Piccolo rappresenta i brand più prestigiosi dell’arredamento mondiale.
Il Piccolo progetta, produce e vende il meglio dell’interior design made in Italy, seguendo il cliente dalla progettazione fino alla realizzazione, consegna e posa del lavoro, integrando il processo con un servizio di assistenza preciso e professionale. CONTATTACI

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