Il Piccolo Blog

Needs and clear ideas? You can choose a custom kitchen

custom kitchen

One room, many different uses: and everyone can create their own custom kitchen

The custom kitchen is the suitable solution for those who want to create a room that is perfectly in line with their tastes and needs. Nowadays, the kitchen no longer simply represents the room where meals are prepared or consumed, but is a small world where you can welcome guests, indulge in a relaxing coffee or have fun preparing real delicacies. Everyone has their own idea of what their dream kitchen should look like, depending also on the actual use they intend to make of it. There are those who prefer it with the latest generation of utensils in terms of modernity and a large oven, those who want to absolutely include a large table for eating meals with family or friends, and those who instead think of the kitchen as an essential, small-scale, almost invisible room. The custom kitchen, therefore, meets the needs of each type of customer precisely because it is everyone is free to furnish it as they see fit.

The classic custom kitchen: vintage style and wood

Given the recent trend that points toward vintage style, the classic custom kitchen is one of the most popular ones. This style involves a throwback to days gone by, with the kitchen made of wood, large windows in which to show off trinkets and porcelain collections, with furniture prominently displayed. A custom-created kitchen with a classic style, in our time, of course, may include the inclusion of utensils, even modern and sophisticated ones, which simply did not exist in our grandparents’ time. Classic and contemporary, antique and modern, this type of kitchen is the one that best unites two seemingly distant realities. Interesting is the possibility of decorating this type of kitchen with vintage pieces of furniture, which can be found, for example, in flea markets.

The modern custom kitchen has an eye to the future

Those, however, who prefer a more modern style will be pleased to know that it is possible to customize the kitchen in this way as well. The customer who wants to be fashionable and always has an eye to the future can opt for space-saving furniture, the latest appliances, state-of-the-art accessories and everything that is part of modern style. The purpose of this type of kitchen is to impress. The person entering it for the first time, but also for all future times, should be amazed at a room that blends elegance, modernity and practicality. The highlight feature is the ability to efficiently and quickly meet the life needs of the modern customer, always in a hurry, with a hectic daily routine. Generally one-piece, the modern custom kitchen is perfectly suited to the studio apartment because it takes up little space without having to undermine the quality and quantity of services it can offer.

Factors to take into account when choosing a custom kitchen

Those who wish to opt for a custom kitchen will have to take certain factors into account when planning. Each person and family has their own rhythms and habits, and these must be put first, even before aesthetic taste, when coming to decide how to furnish the kitchen. Those with busy lives will find more benefit in a custom modern kitchen, although on an aesthetic level they may prefer the classic style (but of course do not forget the style of the rest of the house!). It all starts with establishing the priorities of the person or household that will be living in the kitchen. Cooking, giving frequent lunches or dinners with lots of guests, using the kitchen the bare minimum? Does the person or household have a daily reality of many activities and tight time constraints, or, on the contrary, do they have a lot of time to themselves and like to experience the kitchen to the fullest? Instead, these elements, which may appear secondary, play a major role in making sure that the kitchen fits perfectly with the customer’s daily demands. 

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Il Piccolo, a second-generation family-run joinery, opens its own showroom in Lugano. With over 50 years of experience, Il Piccolo brings with it a wealth of technical and design knowledge of the highest level, thanks to the numerous interiors designed and furnished throughout the world. In addition, Il Piccolo represents the most prestigious brands of furniture worldwide. Il Piccolo designs, produces and sells the best of the interior design made in Italy, following the customer from the design to the realization, delivery and installation of the work, integrating the process with a precise and professional assistance service. CONTACT US!  

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